No.MET/ED/99-2000/EESS Apr 23rd,2000

Earth Day Network : Eco Education Guide 2000

Outstanding Initiatives : INDIA
Ecological and Environmental Studies by Students(EESS)

A non-formal environmental education model " Ecological & Environmental Studies by Students " (EESS) contributed from Mysore is listed as one of the outstanding initiative in the ecoeducation guide by the Earthday Network for global usage. The EESS model was initially developed in 1987-88 by over 32 arts, science and commerce students, a teacher and 3 community experts lead by environmental engineer V.Jagannatha, a Space Scientist. from the city of Mysore, India. The model being used since 1988 envisages community empowerment through students non-formal studies, documentation and reporting on the civic and environmental problems existing with the community.

Earth Day : In 1990,more than two hundred million people in 141 countries celebrated Earth Day. On Earth Day 2000, half a billion people, that is almost half of India’s population, will demonstrate for the Environment. over 4500 groups in 170 countries have already joined the Earth Day 2000 Worldwide Campaign. Beyond Earth Day, an eco education guide 2000 : innovative solutions in environmental education is brought out listing 20 best initiatives and distributed to educators and youth groups around the world. Children across the planet will be given information to make sustainable choices for the future.

Many groups all over the world have already announced programmes for the Earth Day April 22,2000. In Tokyo, Earth Day will keep busy Tokyo streets free from traffic for a car-free day, and coordinate events across the city’s famous Rainbow Bridge.In London, Fauna and Flora International will sponsor a global conference on biodiversity, hosted by Prince Charles,that will bring together business leaders and NGOs. In Manila, Asian NGO Coalition’s huge environmental concert for youth will be broadcast live all over Asia. In Beijing, Global Village Beijing’s massive bicycle rally will mobilize thousands of people. In Mexico city, INAINE will coordinate tree plantings by 30,000 high school students. Many such initiatives have been announced, details of them are available at website : http ://

EESS Model : the Ecological and Environmental Education by Students is a simple zero-cost informal field based model involving student, teacher, community experts and concerned agencies. Students, study real environment irrespective of their educational background for 32 hours in a year spread over 8 months with one hour a week. They critically study a parameter of environment such as water quality, lakes, vehicles, flora,fauna.slums,industries and so on. Community experts and interested teachers provide the specific theoretical and field guidelines. Concerned departments and agencies provide the required data and information wherever available. Students study at times provide required valuable information. The model tested in a arts, science and commerce pre-university and degree college at Bangalore has been now widely publicized. Objectives of the EESS are as per the UNEP/UNESCO/IEEP Environmental Education guidelines.

The model was first implemented and the results were presented by 32 students during 1987. Later it was presented at the State Popular Science Conference at Tumkur in Bharat Jana Vigyana Jatha organized by the Karnataka Rajya Vigyana Parishat,1987.The Hindu published EESS model in Nov.1990. EESS model is documented in the proceedings of the National Conference on Health of Bangalore Metropolis by Indian Society of Health Administrators,1994. The model has been tested in five developing countries in South America through CES-Intag,India and International Lake Environment Committe Foundation(ILEC),Japan. Recently, the informal model was accepted for presentation in education methodology conference at IDATER’99, UK.

The Mysore Environment Trust(R) a voluntary initiative for effective people participation for Sustainable Development of Mysore region based on Agenda-21, is a partner in the Earth day Network. MET(R) has taken up the task of popularizing the EESS model in India..

EESS Model :

Suggested guidelines for action

Bhoomi Dina :

Prajavani Sunday article 23/4/2000

Prof. V M Parvathamma
Chairman, MET(R)
Syndicate Member/Senate Member, University of Mysore

Any disclaimer about this page or contents should contact Er. V. Jagannatha

Copyright © 2000, Vishal CompuTech, Mysore. All rights reserved.
Last modified: April 23, 2000

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